Before the anarchy and chaos in the streets…

Before the Suicide Society…

Mr. Cox arrived in Desolation.

With the mines closed and shuttered, the people of Desolation are anxious and frightened about the future. On a cold February afternoon, a stranger walks into the poor, dusty, isolated Arizona desert town on foot wearing a top coat and fedora.

While he promises prosperity and a new beginning for everyone, the people soon begin to suspect something is very strange about this pale, slender man. The longer he stays, the more ominous he becomes, and the townspeople begin to understand the true cost of making a deal with Mr. Cox.

Once you meet the Benefactor, you’ll never be the same again…

“Desolation: Mr. Cox Comes to Town” is a prequel to the Suicide Society Series. If you like books by Kenneth Johnson, DJ Molles, Robert Masello, Clifford D Simak, Andrew Mayne, Paul Antony Jones, Shayne Silvers and Eloise J Knapp, you better clear some time in your calendar for The Suicide Society Series because you’ll want to read all the books from cover to cover.